Shout out to my old crew, the undeniably smart, clever, and boneheaded team of Andy Dick Tracy Morgan Freeman -- once all bound up in Chicago, now scattered across the country.
Trivia night at the bar is perhaps seen as something only for nerds, over-competitive gym class heroes, or people who are an intolerable mix of both. On the contrary, trivia night is surprisingly accessible, pretty low-pressure in most cases, and a heckuva fun way to have a snack and drink out on a weeknight.
A few years after I moved back home to Chicago, one of my best friends from college moved to Chicago, too. One night, he invited me out to a night of bar trivia. I was excited.To continue reading, click through to the full article at Grotto Network, and journey onward through their website for tons of great reads on a wide range of intriguing topics.
I love trivia. I used to play with my parents and their friends when I came home for visits and always wished I had a team of my own. Here was my invitation. But it was with a bunch of guys I didn’t know very well. Wanting to reconnect with my old friend and have an excuse to see him every week, I decided to jump in.
It was a great decision.

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